Evaluate Ranking System

Evaluate is a unique sixteen measure ranking system based on Value, Quality, Growth and Momentum. In fact, all the factors that drive share prices.

Every quarter Evaluate pinpoints the shares that should do best over the next three months, so that you are constantly in the best stocks, and avoid the worst.

Evaluate’s live and backtested performance on the ASX over the last 15 years has been outstanding. Who would turn down these returns? Evaluate now covers the S&P500 and MSCI World Small Cap indices.

Total Returns %
Jan 06 to Dec 22 ASX100 ASX200 ASX300
Evaluate Top Stocks 390.7 270.5 477.3
Index 218.7 204.9 201.8

*Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Please read important disclaimers here.


Stock Market Training

The stock market has been a powerful wealth creator. Yet most Australians lack the knowledge or skills to invest wisely in it. Without knowledge, it’s easy to become disengaged, park your savings in a managed fund and see returns eroded over time by poor performance and high fees.

In his live educational training session, high profile stock market analyst James Middleweek will show you how the market really works. You’ll learn how to value companies, understand their financial statements and the factors that drive their share prices.

Training sessions are interactive and in small groups. You can ask James as many questions as you want. In just ninety minutes, you will come out a confident, informed investor, with all the investment skills you need.

Book your place now